Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Alternative Medicine Missed This Big Time

At last I found the incident from the 80s that I always wanted to use to illustrate a point. 
Innocent public felt sick, not knowing that burgers started to contain a thyroid hormone, without any fault to the meat industry (though due to the stop of kosher meat production at a plant) - link below. 
It was a heartland, small town area, no big city quacks and alternative medicine clowns.

What if these got involved? 
Homeopaths: "this is due to industrial pollution. We have just the right medicine - like cures like. We have a pill just for you, PCB, heavy metals, whatever"
Reflexologists: people are getting hypnotized by TV into bad posture, resulting in muscle knots"
Dr Mercola: "we have a medicine that ancient Chinese doctors used for centuries against pains and aches due to viruses and bacteria that attack us every day. It's called Snakol Serpentinium. Just 10USD a bottle of 30 will cure the entire family"
Acupuncturists:"it's only fibromyalgia."
("The video isn't available anymore" according to Youtube as of Jan 1, 2024)

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