Sunday, March 15, 2020

The criminology analysis of the coronavirus pandemic.

lots of time invested in preparing the article. Very methodical. I can't describe the punchline of it all. The illness is like a contagious flu, maybe as contagious as the previous seasons. Elderly people are at risk, and will be convenient scare statistics if they die.
So like in everything, there must be someone or some entity which is unusually interested in it, as in motive. Using the criminology rule of thumb, Motive-Means-Opportunity.
I'd say, the attempt to subvert or change authority. In US it is convenient for the leftists and democrats, because the US health care can't take care of people still with inadequate coverage.
Maybe China initially did something to stop the freedom protests, but that was in Hong Kong, and Wuhan is the epicenter. But the streets have been cleared.
i'd say the MMO rule of thumb sticks to Soros.

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