Friday, March 20, 2020

Copy Paste Pseudoscience: Snake Oil, Homeopathic botulism


In Homeopathy, the crux of the quackery is the dilution.
In other words, the dilution is the solution to the health challenges.
As if the homeopathic memory exists, albeit it has never been tested in any lab - the memory retained by water that contains very low amount of the dangerous substance that caused the illness, or may cause the illness. In this snake oil business, dilution is the reverse, it is dynamization. Read the wikipedia article (link ont he bottom) about the meaninglessness of dilutions and the homeopathy's necessity to envoke the the plain water's memory for the molecules of a substance sold as a medicine.

The D marking indicates the dilution. D30 means the homeopathic concoction contains a substance diluted 30 fold from its original.
There are D1000, and even D1000000

To decode homeopathic secrets, one needs to keep in mind that the quackery is aware of the ill fame of many of the ingredients, like botulism, snake venom, etc. These are dressed up in their fancy Latinized names. A pit viper's venom can be represented as lachesis, cobra - Naja tripudiens. It impresses, and soothes the sufferer, and comforts him with having to pay for literally - snake oil.

The psychology of folk medicine is the underlying thought behind homeopathy. It is a form of wishful thinking, and a leap of optimism. A cobra is a lethal animal, but maybe, jsut maybe, its poison in low amounts may do the opposite?
Digitalis is a poisonous plant, it can stop a heart, the conventional medicine invested billions in researching it - so maybe having its Latin name will steal the conventional medicine's intellectual property and translate into sales of homeopathic witche's brew?

Glandulae Thymi D30,
Hydrastis  goldenseal D3,

Botulinum D30,
 E-Coli D30,
Pneumococcimum D30,
Proteus D30,
Pseudomonas D30,
Salmonella D30,
Scarlatinum D30,
Staphylococcinum D30,
Streptococcinum D30,
Tuberculinum D30.

 Homeopathic dilutions on Wikipedia.

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