Thursday, July 18, 2019

Foxy sciencespeak: Mitochondria cells and DNA cellular level. Benzene is bad, so is benzoate.

I was asked about this writer's view of sodium benzoate,

I like the gems from the article:
"mitochondria cells"
"DNA cellular level"
mitochondria are in the same cell with nucleus, but within the cell there is no other cells of any kind. All cells have mitochondria.
there is no such a thing as a DNA cellular, or non-cellular level. There are no levels. There is the nucleus, with the father-mother DNA information, and there is mitochondria, with maternal DNA only.


I don't think there's any more danger than eating it in berries. The heating process would not destroy this, as any stable aromatic ring compound. It would form another organic salt within the mass of the food.

I've read this article and recognize the amateur logic from years ago.
Any acid getting into our bodies reacts naturally with the abundance of sodium, calcium, and potassium, and is transported to the tissues, and used as needed. The amount over the natural demand gets into bloodstream and taken up by liver, which acts like a chemical reactor. The article should have informed readers of that correctly, while describing kidneys as the filter.

"Sodium benzoate chokes out your body's nutrients at the DNA cellular level by depriving mitochondria cells of oxygen,"
Another crude vested interest misinformation, or ignorance. At the DNA level there's no function of nutrition. It is strictly genetic programming, for growth, or cellular upkeep.
The only object capable of depriving anything of oxygen is cyanide or carbon monoxide.
Mitochondria does possess DNA, which is coded with exclusively maternal information, and as DNA has zero role in nutrition, power production, etc. The article is totally oblivious of the Krebs cycle.
The liver would more likely metabolize a benzoic salt in building amino acids, or something else useful, as needed. It would not be converted back to benzene. It is benzene from environmental pollution that would get metabolized into benzoic salt. In large amounts, benzene would overwhelm the liver, causing production of random organic molecules that would foul up the genetic coding.
The article is written with good will and intuition and guess, but does not bring references to scientific trials, as Dr. Adkins did in his book.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Meet The Big Four Weed Killers

Roundup, Atrizine, Resicore, and Status. These herbicide make sure that (broadleaf weeds and grasses, especially) we have plenty of vegetables at a reasonable price, and there is still plenty of veggies left to export.

Roundup is Glyphosate:

This herbicide's PO3H group with the NH part may easily cause errors in the phosphate rich environment of the DNA-RNA and its transcription. Nucleotides have the same PO3 terminus:

But I still have to find research papers studying this effect. 
Hopefully this chemical's water solubility means it could be washed nearly completely, and if there are any residues managing to enter an organism, then ultimately the error checking RNA mechanisms would overcome it, as they overcome these challenges daily.


One positive thing going for this herbicide is that many bacteria easily though slowly biodegrade it.
The molecule itself once it reaches the cellular nucleus might be mistaken for a pyrimidine, a crucial part of the DNA and RNA code. The Chloride atom may easily wreak havoc with transcription.

Let's hope our chromosomes have a good programs running all the time and check our genetic code for errors.


It is something new, designed by Dow Chemicals to counteract herbicide resistance, and is comprised of three unique herbicides, which have interesting commercial names (from this Iowa State University paper):

Acetochlor, a.k.a.Surpass

In plants it inhibits enzyme that builds, or elongates fatty acids. This process is a crucial to all life animal or vegetable.

Mesotrione, a.k.a. Callisto, 

This molecule is a somewhat natural inhibitor of an enzyme that builds carotene, which protects chlorophyll from being degraded by sunlight.
Any damage to the production of this enyzme (4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase, HPPD) can be linked to one of the oldest known inherited metabolic disorders known as alkaptonuria in humans.
Alkaptonuria is a rare inherited genetic disorder in which the body cannot process the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine, which occur in protein.
It is possible to imagine that the molecule once inside the cellular nucleus, might have its acidic SO2 group pose as the acidic PO3 group of nucleotides. The rest of the molecule presents enough capability to obstruct the DNA/RNA transcriptions by both its spatial dimensions and interatomic affinities for the correct nucleobases

and sometimes substitued by Flumetsulam, a.k.a. Python, which is

the molecule already resembles these building blocks of genetic material

and looks as if Guanine is coupled to any of the pyrimidines, U, T or C.Except the herbicide molecule does not need to fix itself into the nucleotide's place in the DNA helix. it might just float there, obstructing transcription, and preventing either growth, or promoting death outright.


Clopyralid, a.k.a. Stinger

It is particularly damaging to peas, tomatoes and sunflowers and can render potatoes, lettuce and spinach inedible. Being a benzoic acid due to the -OOH group, it is rendered rather water soluble, and neutral to mammal organisms, but theoretically having the -N- nitrogen in the ring, it is a pyridinecarboxylic acid, and again theoretically, could masquerade is pyrimidine, which it does in many plants, and does it successfully.

The fourth biggie is Status, 

It is a mixture of sodium salt of Diflufenzopyr, 

Diflufenzopyr is an auxin-transport inhibitor that can increase the phytotoxicity of certain auxin-mimicking herbicides such as Dicamba (see below) on broadleaf species. Auxin is a plant hormone which causes the elongation of cells in shoots and is involved in regulating plant growth. Auxin is produced in the apex of growing stems.
Being in the Sodium (Na+) salt state, it is relatively water soluble, and should be easily broken up by the gut bacteria, or jsut ignored and passed through human body. Theoretically, the overall structure of this molecule resembles a guanidine-pyrimidine pair.

and Dicamba. 

The OOH is what makes the molecule a carboxylic acid, just like Chlopyralid, and water-soluble too. The herbicide is very selective and efficient. It has not been shown to affect mammals. The only controversy it did cause what transferring to and poisoning compost, which instead of fertilizing tomato gardens, killed them off.
To comment on possible interaction with human metabolism, the molecule is most likely to be treated as a benzoic acid, which is also found in cranberries, accept the Chloride groups and the methoxy group (-OCH3) theoretically would steer it down the PCB disassembly pathway.

These last two herbicides should present no danger as long as vegetables are washed with plenty of water.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Gaza+Nimrod+Washington=An Airplane

[reading about an explosion in Gaza, blow up]+[ reading about the Biblical Nimrod]+[checking out a a Google Map of Washington DC] =  (

Thursday, July 4, 2019

This discovery in the kitchen

Out of all glassware coming out of China, maybe this one is not Chinese, because it is sturdy. Even its looks suggest bountiful glass. Blink Max, it says on the bottom, and I have never seen or heard about it before. I do not even know how it got here.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

This Is The Crux of Religion Of FRAO and Health Business Charlatans.

The Free Radical craze and the worship of Anti Oxidants has become the bread and butter of the health concern charlatancy. The key word of the FRAO religion is still "theory" started by pre-web sitting in public libraries, and then reading each other's web cobweb fantasy science sites.

All the talk can still be boiled down to the fact that every biochemical in the living cell has a free radical phase, and maybe several such phases, as it arrives at its final destination of the Krebs cycle, or a cell building block. For example, intermediate molecules that form cell wall, hemoglobin, lipids, all go through a split second long stage of being a free radical.

Free radicals swimming free in a body means the body is dead. The acidity-basicity of a living organism is precise. Even a small amount of any free radical means that a healthy organism will have plenty of the buffer system to absorb it, just like any spike of acid or base, without any need for the health charlatancy's concepts of body defense, friendly substances, good herbs, etc.

The buffer system of a living organism is the ever present, major three or four acids: phosphoric, carbonic, acetic, and citric, with their corresponding electrolytes. IV drips always use any of these safely, other than saline, which does not participate in metabolism.

Anti oxidants can't just always be ready to hang around and immediately neutralize free radicals. Anti oxidants are different molecules, and can't have the 100% functionality in the insane soup of a living organism, balanced at a specific acidity, and having a unique organic makeup, i.e., proteins being anionic and cationic, lipids being unfriendly to water-soluble molecules.

To add to the soup are the white blood cells, which are self-defense amoebas, which hunt for any material that triggered the body's alarm as having a foreign surface.

So the general public is overdosing on vitamin c, a prime antioxidant, but it is not active in every part of the body, or cell, or won't even get to all cells. Because if there's too much of it, the natural buffer chemistry kicks in and the vitamin c is made harmless, but still theoretically available to perform as a vitamin.
Same goes for vitamin E. It is oil-soluble. It is very safe to remember that it would function in a lipid process or material of a cell. It will not be floating around in the watery soup, just waiting for the always water-soluble free radical.

Carcinogenic events don't necessarily start with free radicals, as the religion claims. A strong, high frequency radiation (starting with UV, which damages skin, then the penetrating X-rays, gamma rays, and neutron radiation) does it by forcing logical errors in DNA operations, which nearly always involve RNA, and rely on specific enzymes to perform copy-paste and error checking functions. Only nuclear explosions, nuclear contamination, ingestion would produce free radicals, in the genetic material included, but that means a significant damage on the scale of a Chernobyl cleanup and staff exposure, and that means most of metabolism is in damaged, and imminent death.

Errors in the DNA operations most of the time happen without sub molecular damage. It would mean that a molecule might be mistaken for the DNA base pairs A-T, G-C, the zipper like teeth of the dna's zipper-like helix, or might block the pairing. The molecule could be naphthalene, benzene, or nicotine, etc. The radiation may change a change in a copy-paste enzyme's protein chain, like cap a site with a hydrogen instead of a -CH3, or -CH3 instead of -NH2. Same might be done to any of the base pairs.

Another intellectually dishonest silence is about the lymphatic system, and about the shedding of body materials. Contrary to the charlatans' language of cleaning body, or blood, it is theoretically impossible to do by means of any chemical. The body is a precisely tuned chemical soup. Any chemical or biochemical intrusion means death.
The real cleaning is done by the lymphatic system. One of the ABC's of self-cleaning is capping an old mass of protein, or a cell with glucose, or some other biochemical in the body. The capped mass is naturally ducted to and by the lymphatic system, to other locales, or, engulfed by a white blood cell, like a macrophage, or discarded. The glucose capped old hemoglobin has been measured in blood tests(HbA1c) for quite some time. But the intellectual dishonest charlatans overlooked this, or it was beyond them, being a step too far ahead of their rationale.

If anything is shed inside intestines then it is digested, or eaten by the friendly bacteria, or expelled in the toilet.
If cells are shed outside the body, then they are dandruff, chaff, and are washed off in the shower.
Nothing just sheds off inside the body the way the charlatans claim.

So any guru of the FRAO is a fraud, or a liar, or a thief. I don't know why they would not be.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Street music technology exposed.

I thought these stone pianos were a feat in cast concrete acoustics. They have rich resonant sound and any passerby is welcome to play. On a sunny afternoon of June 20 I stumbled on one of them being installed, and this turned out to be a regular electronic keyboard connected to a sound generator, amplifier and powered up by an average battery.