Saturday, January 3, 2009

Another great book on Nature:

the best book on natural science and biology The Nature of Living Things, by C. Brooke Worth and Robert K Enders There has never been anything this good after this book has been out, since 1955. These questions sound staid and trite nowadays: ~ What is life? How did it begin? ~ How does one species evolve from another? ~ How did man develop from a one-celled animal? ~ How do cells grow and reproduce? ~ How has Darwin's theory of evolution influenced further scientific investigation? The book provides authoritative, easy-to-understand answers to these and many more questions about plants and animals and their relation to the universe which will give you a vivid picture of how life began and progressed through hundreds of millions of years. This book, back in 1955, provides the answers in the most innocent, non-political, objective style. The book is illustrated in the typical black and white, line-drawing or etching style drawings of the decade. I have read it and found it more satisfying than something that could be found on a glitzy DVD, coffe-table album or web site.

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