Thursday, July 10, 2008

vacation: a drive up from Florida

Once again I hear interesting vacation stories. This time I decided to try the drive across the country myself as a vacation idea, and I turned to the Advantage Rent A Car, after a colleague recommended it as a straightforward, no-complication rental service. I am going to drive up from Miami to Chicago, check out the Chi Town, and meet up with my friends who know the famous jazz bars. I did find the Florida-to-Chicago car rental opportunity on their home page. I liked the simplicity and down-to-business layout: very easy-to-use, side-by-side menus helped me arrange the pickup, the car and the drop off. What's interesting, the drive from Florida to Chicago cost only $1 a day. On the same page there are many interesting deals and programs, like frequent rental, state of Texas and Colorado rentals (where I always have dinner at the El Rancho restaurant). There is also the Starlink Rental management system, which is great for extremely busy executives. The company news is found on the same home page, where the corporate headquarters offers the latest info on franchise opportunities. At Advantage they are also running an offer of up to a 50% discount on Luxury and Convertible car rentals. That's another reason I got interested in driving up from Florida in style and comfort. I also found these great offers, wherein I can also visit my friends and relatives in Texas.

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