Tuesday, April 29, 2008

SocialCardsters, Web 2.0

Just when we thought the limits to Web 2.0 have been explored, Ben Spark has come up with another idea for social blogging. He even came up with a new buzzword for it, SocialCardSter . Checking out http://www.benspark.com/socialcardsters reveals that it is especially suitable for the bloggers who are on SocialSpark and on Entrecard. The concept is about copying the blog roll and pasting it to a blog. It is also possible to add the SocialCardsters image to under one's Entrecard widget. Ben commits himself to a blogroll by dropping in on participating blogs and clicking on the blogs that are advertising. That serves to improve anyone's EC standing. Ben also tries to comment each week.

1 comment:

BenSpark said...

Hey, thanks for writing about the Socialcardsters blogroll. Are you on Entercard? I didn't see a widget, I'd add you to the roll. Add me as a friend on SocialSpark and you will be getting a prop from me.